Then we also heard from the representative of the National Aids Council. His statistics were staggering! 40% of women from 20 - 35 are HIV positive in some areas in S.A. This number is basically the same for several years now! We didn't even see any dip in the chart that they showed!
Then we had Dawie and Lizel Pieterse from Campus Crusade for Christ and they shared how they are working in local communities to help build homes for orphans and community sights for soccer and how they work with local groups to teach skills to people so they can learn life skills to work. They are doing an amazing work all over the world! It was very inspiring to hear all that they are doing as an organization. All of this activity is part of a fairly new initiative by Campus Crusade called GAIN for Global AId Network.
That is what made for the LONGEST day ever. But it was also interesting to see so many people working together to help bring relief and healing to so many hurting people.
Tomorrow we are supposed to present the Smart Choices program to church leaders so they can go back to their churches and get the program going in their local schools. (when the strikes end)